Dora J. Dome

Co-Founder at Epoch Education

Dora J. Dome, J.D., attorney, author, professor and renowned speaker has practiced Education Law for over 20 years, focusing on student issues and special education.

Ms. Dome’s legal compliance trainings provide up-to-date information and guidance on how to ’stay legal’ in the areas of Special Education, Student Discipline, Counseling and Mandated Reporting, Sexual Harassment, Discriminatory Harassment and Section 504. Ms. Dome has published several books that provide guidance to administrators and families on the student discipline process, which is also available in Spanish. She was a keynote panelist for the Gay & Lesbian Athletics Foundation presentation on “Race and Racism in LGBT Athletics” and presented at the NCAA Black Coaches Association Annual Conference on “Homophobia in Sports.” She also lecturers at the University of California at Berkeley for the Education Law and Policy in Principal Leadership Institute (PLI) Program.