Elloe AI



At Elloe AI, we believe that AI has the power to change lives —but only if it can be trusted. In a world where AI influences every decision we make, from financial transactions to medical diagnoses, accuracy is everything. But here’s the problem: AI is still prone to mistakes—whether it’s generating... Read more

Org chart

Owen Sakawa
Founder & CEO

Owen Sakawa

Aaron Mandoloa
Chief Product Officer
Jackson Gitundu
Chief Technology Officer
Paul Okech
Managing Director - Africa
Collin John
Head of Technology
Michael Greenfield
Head of Partnerships
Tim Hague
Head of Marketing and Communications
Peter Muigai
Head of Commercials - Africa

Behind the scenes


We care

We act with a high sense of ownership of our value chain to the customer. We develop strong and trustful relationships with team members and customers. We care about each other’s success enough to be open, honest, and give meaningful feedback (ubuntu). We are humble and treat people with a service attitude.

We keep it simple

We believe in improving people's lives through simplicity and this is reflected in the way we operate and make decisions. We clarify and verify with each other in order to collaborate openly and solve challenges in a practical and scalable way as long term players. Vulnerability is allowed to acknowledge mistakes, improve, and move forward.

We get shit done

We are mission driven, reliable entrepreneurs with passion, enthusiasm, and a strong work ethic. We believe in progress over perfection. We are a team committed to getting sh*t done, continuously learning, and helping others to get there.