EC Healthcare



What began as a quick solution to many's health problems, soon turned into the company you know today as EC Healthcare. We have but one simple mission: to bring health, beauty, and happiness to everyone. By aligning with our partners and empowering our talents, we hope to rectify the industry and ma... Read more

Org chart

Chi Fai Tang
Founder, CEO & Chairman

Chi Fai Tang

Levin Lee
Executive Director & Chief Financial Officer
Lucy T.
Head Of Customer Service
Jeff Lung
Director, Medical Operations And Procurement, Chief Pharmacist
Wilson W.
Vice President, Investments
Timothy Ho Yin Tan
Medical Director, Product Development
Andrew Tai Cheung Wong
Chief Operating Officer
Iris Mak
Chief Operating Officer And Co-owner
Crystal Tsang
Marketing Manager
Xin Leng
Manager Marketing And Business Development
Yuentin Cheung
Sales And Marketing Executive
Maggie Man
Manager, Projects And Products