


Crowley is a U.S.-owned and -operated company serving customers in domestic, international and government markets through logistics, supply chain, and energy services with more than $2.5 billion in annual revenues, over 160 vessels and approximately 6,300 employees around the world.

Org chart

Thomas B. Crowley, Jr.

Ray Fitzgerald
Chief Operating Officer
Erika Graziuso
Chief Information Officer & Global Shared Services Head
Megan Davidson
Chief People & Regulatory Officer
Deepak Arora
Vice President Corporate Strategy
Brett Bennett
Senior Vice President And GM Crowley Logistics
Bob Karl
President And CEO - Crowley Wind Services
James C. Fowler
SVP & General Manager, Crowley Shipping
Kollin Fencil
SVP & GM Fuels
Phil Shook
SVP & GM, Crowley Land Transportation Services
Dr. Ashwani D.
Chief Digital Officer (cdo) / Vice President Digital Business
Reece Alford
Vice President, General Counsel And Corporate Secretary
Arthur la Moureaux
VP Internal Audit, Ethics & Compliance
Clayton Heil
Vice President, Global Government Relations
Samuel Brightwell
Vice President, Risk Management
Jannina Gahagan
Director Of Environmental Compliance
Shashank Panchangam
Chief Product And Consulting Officer - Crowley Solutions
Kim Cason
Director Of Marketing Research
Cindy Shake
Marketing Manager
Jordan Mathews
Marketing Manager
Bryan Rettmann
Vice President And Managing Director, Whitehall Insurance Agency