The Mental Health Services Team at Creative Health Services Inc. provides comprehensive mental health support and therapeutic services to individuals and families. The team includes mental health workers, counselors, psychiatric professionals, and peer counselors who collaborate to deliver individualized treatment plans, foster recovery, and promote mental well-being. They work in various settings, including outpatient programs, schools, and community-based initiatives, ensuring accessible and integrated care.
Adjoa Amoah
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurs...
Courtney Foster
LTSR Mental Health Worker
Gail Corrado
Staff Psychiatrist
Georgeanne Smisko Zv...
Student Assistance Program Lia...
Joelle Aldinger
Intake Coordinator
Karen Becker
Director Of Outpatient Mental ...
Katie Anne Mantle
Intensive Behavioral Health Se...
Mss James Donaldson ...
School-based Counselor
Sulyn Godsey
Student Assistance Coordinator
Tanya F. Kirby