Robert C. Aronoff developed a record of successful outcomes, courtroom victories, and satisfied clients. My trial and appellate experience include business, real estate, and bankruptcy. Along with a meticulous dedication to the demands of the courtroom, he brings a courteous and easygoing demeanor to every case. My real estate practice includes purchase, sale, and leasing transactions for offices, shopping centers, and industrial and high-end residential properties. In bankruptcy court, he handles preference litigation, exemption of assets, property sales, objection to discharge, and chapter 11 plan confirmations.
He serves the legal profession as a Temporary Judge for the Los Angeles Superior Court and as a member of the Board of Directors of the Beverly Hills Bar Association
He is committed to the community as well. he serves on the board of directors of several non-profit organizations including the Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles, the Constitutional Right Foundation, and the Beverly Hills Bar Foundation.