Clark Atlanta University

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Clark Atlanta University (CAU) is a comprehensive, private, urban, coeducational institution of higher education with a predominantly African-American heritage. It offers undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees as well as certificate programs to students of diverse racial, ethnic, and soci... Read more




Org chart

George T. French Jr.

Eli H. Phillips
EVP, Chief Operating Officer
LaTanya Merritt
Interim CFO
Debra Hoyt
SVP, Organization Development & Chief People Officer
Jennifer Ervin
General Counsel
Debra A. Williams
AVP & Chief of Police
Richard L. Lucas
VP, Institutional Advancement
Sam D. Burston
VP, External Affairs
Cherise Y. Peters
VP, Enrollment Management & Retention
Bonita Dukes
VP, Facilities Management
Cynthia A. Clem
Interim Dean & VP, Student Services & Campus Life
Jerald Woolfork
Interim VP, Affairs
Cynthia Gomes
VP, Business & Auxiliary Services
Lauren V. Lopez
AVP, Planning, Assessment and Institutional Research/SACSCOC ALO
Charlene D. Gilbert
Provost & SVP for Academic Affairs