City First Bank



City First Bank is a commercial community development bank, the largest Black-led Minority Depository Institution, and a certified as B Corp with branches and headquarters in Los Angeles, CA and Washington, DC; channeling intentional capital to low- and moderate-income neighborhoods; investing in mu... Read more




Org chart

Brian E. Argrett
President & Chief Executive Officer

Brian E. Argrett

Saundra Bolden
SVP , Director Of Compliance And CRA Officer
Lashanya Washington
Executive Vice President & Chief Credit Officer
Brian F. Wagner
Svp, Chief Human Resources Officer (chro)
John Tellenbach
EVP / Western Commercial Regional Executive
Missy Schentzel
Senior Corporate Controller, SVP
Sonja Wells
Chief Lending Officer
Audrey P.
Vice President, Corporate Secretary And Executive Assistant To The Chairman & CEO
Ricky Turner
Vp, Director Of Information Technology
Autumn Leatham
Senior Vice President, Commercial Banking Group Team Leader
Sandra Aispuro
VP Retail Area Leader