Chef Robotics is hiring! The company's goal is to put a robot in every commercial kitchen around the world. They are solving the number one problem the food industry faces--a crushing labor shortage--and they're catching extremely fast customer traction. Chef Robotics's team consists of senior/staf... Read more
Don't preach something without embodying it yourself. Rather than asking your manager for permission to see if an idea is worth doing, execute it and then show her what you made assuming cost is not too high). The reason we hire smart people is not to tell them what to do; it's so that they can tell us what to do.
Assume your ideas are wrong and constantly stress test them. The default is that your idea is wrong and that you have to prove it’s right (not the other way around). Seek diverse perspectives.
Over 10 years, 1% improvements and actions lead to massive exponential increases. Practice continuous improvement as an individual and as a company. Always ask why, why, why? Break things down to the first principles and then build back up.
Results matter not "effort." Done is better than perfect. Finish what you start. A documented mistake of an idea that didn't work is positive. Constantly release, test, and deploy little bytes instead of waiting for one large deployment.
No passive aggression. If someone isn’t doing something right, tell them. Be brutally honest with feedback and don’t sugar coat anything. Trust in your team.
The best idea wins. Use logic to support your thinking. In each meeting, we’ll have discussions to distill the decision we’re making to the fundamental truths of the human condition or physics and then build back up. Always discuss the idea not attack the speaker. When a decision is made, disagree and commit wholly.
If enough smart people are in a room together, we'll figure it out. Hire slow rather than to "fill a role."
We’re here to serve our customers. Go backwards from the customers and obsess after giving them the best experience possible.
Ask: is this product really 10x better than the status quo? If not, don't do it; big problems / markets are just as hard to solve as small problems / small markets.