Jayshree Oza

Dr. Jayshree Oza has been in the field of education for more than 35 years in various leadership and consulting positions in India, USA and in the east and south Asia region.

She was a team leader for the Technical Cooperation Agency (TCA) to Government of India through internationally funded programme for 10 years working closely with NCERT on National Achievement Surveys, Teacher Development, and NUEPA with planning, school assessments and UDISE. She has served on numerous education missions to monitor and evaluate various educational schemes; programs for MoE and funding agencies such as the World Bank, European Union, and DFID. She founded and directed a professional development centre named Centre for Education Management and Development (CEMD) for fifteen years.

Jayshree Oza has expertise in the areas of student assessment and program evaluation, education management with focus on leadership and institutional development, policy research, curriculum, pedagogy, and capacity building in

all the above.