The Media and Broadcasting team at Capital Radio is responsible for creating engaging and informative content that resonates with listeners interested in economics, entrepreneurship, and technology. They produce a variety of programs, from news analysis to lively discussions, featuring experienced anchors and contributors who bring their expertise to the airwaves. This dynamic team ensures that the station remains a leader in financial radio, offering a fresh perspective on current events and business trends.
Adriana Ochoa Aréval...
Radio Analyst | Politics & Eco...
Andreea Comanescu
Realizadora Del Programa A Tod...
Carlos Alameda
Divulgador Científico En El Vi...
Carlos Blanco Morill...
Regular Contributor
César Fernández Taje...
Tertuliano De Economía Y Empre...
David Bigorra Viñual...
Sección Internacional Del Prog...
Diego del Agua
Colaborador En El Programa Lid...
Gema Noemí García Ru...
Redactora Y Locutora De Ágora
Inés Muñoz Vidal
"first Movers Fintech” Co-host
Mónica Valle
Colaboradora Ciberafterwork