Vern Oakley

Adjunct Professor at Baruch College

Vern Oakley is the Founder and CEO of Tribe Pictures, a company established in 1986 that focuses on creating corporate and institutional films to foster high-performance cultures within the Global 1000. In addition to leading Tribe, Vern Oakley serves as an Adjunct Professor at Baruch College, teaching a course on Strategy and Storytelling in corporate communication. As a speaker, Vern shares insights from over three decades of experience, addressing topics related to video communications and leadership. Vern also held the role of President at the International Quorum of Motion Picture Producers from 2011 to 2015, promoting collaboration among film production company owners worldwide. Vern's educational background includes a Synoptic Major from Kenyon College, along with coursework at Harvard Business School and Georgetown University Law Center.
