The Behavioral Health Services Team at AACI provides comprehensive mental health and wellness services to the Asian American community in Santa Clara County. This includes counseling, clinical psychology, mental health education, and support for individuals and families. The team addresses various behavioral health issues through individualized and group therapies, focusing on recovery and holistic wellness.
Anna Nguyen
Wellness & Recovery Coordinato...
Donna Rhodes Ma, Cpc
Mental Health Counselor
Duy Pham L.c.s.w.
Associate Director Of Behavior...
Guanhua Nie
Integrated Behavioral Health C...
Helen Lei
Behavioral Health Rehabilitati...
Laurie Leung
Director Of Behavioral Health
Lmft Sallie Rupe
Mental Health Clinician For Ce...
Msw Tracy Nguyen Asw
Behavioral Health Counselor
Smitha Jay
Behavioural Health Counselor
Yu-Ting Yuan
Behavioral Health Counselor