Chris Lyons

Chris Lyons, Strategic Advisor to AMDT Holdings, has been in the musculoskeletal device market for 32 years. He joined Medtronic Spine and Biologics as a Director for International Biologics Marketing in 2005 and became Director for Global Business Development. Prior to joining Medtronic, Mr. Lyons spent two years as an Orthopedic Medical Device Sales Representative for Smith and Nephew, Plc. From 1989 until 2003, he worked in multiple Marketing and Sales functions at a global level for Smith and Nephew. He presently serves on various boards in the medical device industry as well.

He has 8 issued patents in a marketing role between the companies with which he has been affiliated.

Mr. Lyons earned his BA Degree in Marketing with a concentration in Sales and Sales Management in 1990 from University of Memphis.