
1 follower


Appspace is here to provide communication and space management platform to help your business with organization and efficiency, working from anywhere.

Org chart

Tony DiBenedetto
Chairman and CEO

Tony DiBenedetto

Carolyn Voelkening
Chief Delivery Officer
Holly Grogan
Chief Experience Officer
Mike Hicks
Chief Marketing Officer
Peter Schmied
President And Chief Customer Officer
Sara Nichols
Chief Financial Officer
Stan Stephens
Founder, Chief Science Officer
Steve Terp
Chief Revenue Officer
Thomas Philippart de Foy
Chief Innovation Officer
Jacob Feisley
Vice President, Systems and Cloud Operations
David Fletcher
Vice President, Workplace Communications Strategy
Rahil Aly Jivani
Vice President, Strategy and Transformation
Danielle Gover
Director, Product Design
Iban Beldarrain
Director of Product Design