American Psychological Association



The American Psychological Association, in Washington, D.C., is the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States and is the world's largest association of psychologists. APA's membership includes more than 121,00 researchers, educators, clinicians, co... Read more

Org chart

Arthur C. Evans, Jr.

Alicia C. Aebersold
Chief Communications Officer
Maysa Akbar
Chief Diversity Officer & Interim Chief of Psychology in the Public Interest
Catherine Grus
Chief Education Officer
Tony Habash
Chief Business Integration Officer & Chief Information Officer
Katherine B. McGuire
Chief Advocacy Officer
Mitchell J. Prinstein
Chief Science Officer
Jasper Simons
Chief Publishing Officer
Deanne M. Ottaviano
General Counsel
Michelle Laino
Chief Financial Officer
Guillermo Corea
Chief Business Innovation & Growth Officer
Andrew Ferreira
Director Of Governance And Operations
Lena Thompson
Director Of Building Operations & Administrative Services