Allreal Group

1 follower


Allreal combines a stable-income real estate portfolio with the activities of a general contractor (development and realisation). The value of the real estate portfolio amounts to more than CHF 5.1 billion. In the 2021 fiscal year, the project volume effectively handled by the Projects & Development... Read more

Org chart

Stephan Widrig
Chief Executive Officer

Stephan Widrig

Stefan-Martin Dambacher
Cdo, Mitglied Der Gruppenleitung
Reto Aregger
Chief Communications Officer
Marcel Meier
Portfolio Manager
Fanny Rébuffat
Executive Assistant - Head Of Allreal Romandie
Alain Paratte
Leiter Immobilien / Mitglied Der Gruppenleitung
David Guthörl
Head Of Sustainability