

We are on a mission to help professional service companies unleash their full potential by creating a work life people deserve. Our SaaS-platform for the knowledge work industry connects sales, projects, people, and strategy into one single source of truth, providing a connected systems view of the... Read more

Org chart

Mikko Virtanen
Co-CEO and Co-Founder

Mikko Virtanen

Hannu Kärkkäinen
CTO And Co-founder
Jaakko Hallavo
Head Of Product
Jonatan Hedberg
Design Lead
Jani Folland
Head Of International Growth
Jussi Tenho
Customer Success Officer CSO & Partner
Mika Häkkinen
Customer Success Officer CSO & Partner
Nina Kähönen
Customer Success Officer CSO & Partner
Jaakko Hartikainen
Co-founder & Co-ceo