Jocelyn Formsma is a member of the Moose Cree First Nation and currently lives in Ottawa, ON. She has been involved in children’s rights and youth engagement for the last 10 years. Jocelyn was involved with the Friendship Centre Movement for six years at the local, regional and national levels as a board member and youth representative. She has also been involved in promoting reconciliation in child welfare and was the recipient of the Canadian Coalition on the Rights of Children’s 2009 Child’s Rights Award. In her young career, she has already worked for such organizations as the National Aboriginal Health Organization, the Aboriginal Financial Officers Association, the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society and the Union of Ontario Indians. While completing her Bachelor of Public Administration at the University of Ottawa, Jocelyn works as an independent consultant, is active within her home territory the Nishnawbe Aski Nation and the Chiefs of Ontario, and is a board member of the National Indian Child Welfare Association, based out of Portland, OR.