
Explore 3,303 companies in Turkey

Established as a family company in Istanbul in 1989, Sertrans Logistics was a company that served in the field of international partial and multimodal transportation in the first years of its establishment, but today it has turned into a logistics company that offers end-to-end solutions. We have be

Elit Çikolata


It was early days of the juvenile Turkish Republic. The exuberence accompanying the victory inspired novel entreprenuerships in a variety of industries and lured invesments. As one of the most delicious outcomes of those days full of action Elit Çikolata ve Şekerleme took start in İstanbul in the

Birlesik Odeme


Birlesik Odeme is a payment services company that offers solutions based on smart payment technologies.



The advantageous geographical location between Europe and Asia makes myTECHNIC ideally suited to serve domestic partners as well as global carriers in Europe, CIS, Middle East and Africa. 15,400 square meters of hangar bay 24,800 square meters of shops, office area and storage area 6,000 square met



Gamegos is a global game company that develops and publishes top rated and trending games for computers, tablets and mobile phones targeting worldwide players of all ages and gender.

Meteksan Savunma


Meteksan Defence Industry Inc. was established in 2006 in order to combine and coordinate the projects and activities of the high technology companies operating within the body of Bilkent Holding for the defense industry on a single roof.

Sistem Alüminyum Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. is one of Turkey’s leading manufacturer of aluminium extrusion profiles and aluminium composite panels companies in Turkey. Founded in 1994, it is a fully integrated designer and producer of architectural façade systems and extruded aluminium profiles for indu

1998 yılında, Ziraat Bankası'nın ödeme sistemleri ve alternatif dağıtım kanallarındaki teknoloji ve operasyon ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak üzere kurulan Bileşim, Şubat 2020 itibariyle T.C. Ziraat Bankası, Türkiye Halk Bankası ve Türkiye Vakıflar Bankası'nın ortaklığı ile üç kamu bankasının iştirak şirke



Sipay Elektronik Para ve Ödeme Hizmetleri A.Ş., ödeme sistemleri alanında dinamik ve yenilikçi bakış açısına sahip bir fintek şirketidir. Sipay, sanal pos, dijital cüzdan alt yapısı, kartlı ve kartsız ödeme, banka havalesi ve diğer alternatif ödemelerin tamamını tek bir çatı altında birleştirir. Glo

Yunsa Yunlu Sanayi ve Ticaret AS is a Turkey-based company engaged in the production, sale and distribution of worsted wool fabrics. The Company manufactures fabrics for men's and women's apparel, namely fabrics for men's and women's uniforms and upholstery. In addition to 100% wool products, it als



As one of the world's top app publisher, AppNation is not just creating apps; we're shaping the future. Our goal? To put cutting-edge, AI-driven technology into the hands of everyday people. We're all about opening doors to endless possibilities - and we invite you to step through these doors with u

FİLE Market


FİLE mağazaları, 1995 yılında Türkiye’yi perakende satışta yüksek indirim modeli ile tanıştıran BİM’in 2015 yılında müşterilerinin hizmetine sunduğu yeni ve farklı bir satış modelidir. Bu modelin temel amacı tüketicilerin gıda, kişisel bakım ve genel temizlik ihtiyaçlarını iyi veya en iyi kalited

Founded in 1994, BIS is a leading technology and service provider delivering packaged application solutions as well as custom software development, frameworks, integration, migration and consulting services. BIS provides mission-critical software and IT services to institutions in virtually every se

Legrand Türkiye


Merkezi Fransa’da bulunan Legrand, bina, elektrik ve dijital altyapıları için ürün ve sistemler konusunda uzmandır. 180 ülkede, 36 binden fazla çalışanı ile 215 binin üzerinde farklı ürün referansına sahip Legrand Grup’un konutlar, ticari ve endüstriyel yapılar için komple sistem çözümleri bulunmakt



Craftgate is a 'One-Stop Shop' payment orchestration where you can easily integrate and manage Virtual POS of all banks of your business as well as many other payment and e-money institutions, alternative and international payment methods from a single center. With Craftgate, you can quickly benefit

Brew Games


Brew Games focuses on developing hyper-casual and hybrid-casual games.

Pulver Kimya operates in the powder coating industry since 1988. With the growth achieved, the company has 30% share in powder coating manufacturing in Turkey. 50% of the products manufactured are exported to 30 countries. Pulver Kimya is the largest powder coating company in Turkey, and ranks sec



We at APPS started our journey as outsource mobile app development team for companies and startups at 2014. For four years we developed a lot of apps and games for our customers and ourself. Some day we hit the jackpot and A Word puzzle game achieved enormous successes such as "One of Popular Games

Kuveyt Türk Katılım Bankası 31 Mart 1989’dan bu yana faizsiz finans alanında faaliyetlerini yürütmektedir. Kuveyt Türk, müşteri odaklı yaklaşımı, teknoloji-inovasyon çalışmaları ve dijital dönüşüm adımlarıyla sektöründeki öncü konumunu devam ettirmektedir. COĞRAFİ KAPSAMA Türkiye’de 400’ün üzerinde

TAYSAD, 1978 yılında kurulmuş olup, Türk otomotiv tedarik sanayinin tek ve en yetkin temsilcisidir. 450'yi aşkın üyesiyle otomotiv tedarik sanayi üretiminin % 65’ini ve ihracatının da % 70’ini temsil etmektedir. Sayısal olarak üyelerinin % 80’i Marmara, % 12’si Ege ve % 8’i de diğer bölgelerimizde

Lider Kozmetik


Founded in Istanbul, Turkey in 1978, Lider Kozmetik is one of the largest producers of aerosol products in Turkey and Middle East. Operating in personal care, home care and auto care categories, the company is currently exporting to more than 100 countries touching lives of consumers in regions vary

Eureko Sigorta


Eureko Sigorta is an international insurance company with a leading position in its field thanks to its expertise at damage management and risk assessment. It operates as a member of Achmea, one of world’s largest insurance partnerships with 22.000 employees in 6 countries of Europe. Eureko Sigorta

Açık Holding


We are an international innovative technology company with operations in telecommunication and information technologies, aviation and defense industry, building industry and operational technologies, and health technologies with over 3000 employees in 20+ countries across Europe, Asia, the USA, and



Bankacılık ve Ödeme Kuruluşu yazılımlarını yeni teknolojileri kullanarak geliştiren alanında öncü bir teknoloji firmasıdır. Halihazırda 1 banka ve 2 Ödeme Kuruluşu'na yazılım hizmeti vermektedir. Hedefimiz müşteri beklentilerini odak noktasında tutarak yeni ürün ve hizmetleri üretip yurt içi ve yurt



Yenilik ve değişimi sürdürülebilir büyümenin ve kalıcı başarının anahtarı sayan Yıldızlar Grup, yarım asrı aşan birikimiyle faaliyet gösterdiği taahhüt, gayrimenkul ve enerji alanlarında Türkiye’nin sayılı ve saygın markalarından biridir. Bugün endüstriyel tesisler, kamu binaları, otoyollar, enerji

PA is an art, architecture, and design platform which covers the latest news about computational, parametric, and digital design tools.

TCI Aircraft Interiors continues its business to be the preferred global provider of aircraft interiors with excellent engineering skills and innovative products. Our mission is to provide the best value to the aviation industry, develop and enhance our products, and attract and attain customers wit

Medical Park


MLP Saglik Hizmetleri AS, formerly Medical Park Saglik Hizmetleri AS, is a Turkey-based company engaged in the healthcare sector. The Company operates more than 20 hospitals in more than 10 provinces in Turkey. The Company's medical departments include: Mouth and Dental Health, Brain and Nerve Surge

Ticaret, inşaat, sanayi, finans gibi sektörlerde faaliyet gösteren Tacirler Holding’in bir parçası olarak kurulduğu 1991 yılından beri Sermaye Piyasalarındaki en köklü yatırım kuruluşlarından biri olan Tacirler Yatırım, güçlü sermaye yapısıyla banka kökenli olmayan en büyük yatırım kuruluşudur.



Ekim 2012’de Türkiye’nin ilk dijital bankası olarak kurulan Enpara.com, tüm bankacılık hizmetlerini dijital kanallar (internet şube, cep şube, Çözüm Merkezi ve ATM’ler) üzerinden masrafsız olarak sunar. First direct-only retail banking platform in Turkey launched in October 2012. Offers all fundam

A new Uni with a long history in Behavioural Science! Kuruluş Amacı Davranış sağlığı ve bilimleri alanında özelleşerek dünya standartları üzerinde bilgi, proje ve akademik üretimde bulunmak, bu üretim için kaynak geliştirmek , işbirlikleri gerçekleştirmek ve nitelikli insan yetiştirmek. Eği



Deva Holding AS is a Turkey-based pharmaceutical company that is primarily engaged in the production and marketing of finished pharmaceutical products, pharmaceutical ingredients and veterinary products, as well as animal health products, among others. The Company has four production facilities in T



Carla is a car rental app comparing 900 companies in 160 countries. You can book a rental car at 20.000 locations including major airports and city locations. Compare all car rental companies including Avis, Alamo, Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, National,...

Enerjisa Enerji


Enerjisa Enerji AS is a Turkey-based company engaged in the utilities sector. The Company, together with its subsidiaries, is primarily engaged in making investments in energy companies, and deals with the generation, sale, and distribution of electricity, as well as trade of natural gas. Its busine

Saykal Electronics is a technology and engineering company that provides electronic product design and manufacturing solutions.



Teknolojilerimiz her eve girsin, herkese ulaşsın, Hepimizin daha konforlu anları, daha güzel günleri olsun diye; Biz durmadan çalışıyor, en iyiyi, en yeniyi arıyoruz. Ve her defasında aynı cümleyi kuruyoruz. Vestel’le Olur, Neden Olmasın?

‘Türkiye markasını güçlendirmek’ hedefiyle yola çıkan İletişim Başkanlığı, bütünlüklü bir iletişim stratejisi ile devletimizin tüm kurumları ile koordineli iletişim çabaları sürdürmekte; ülkemize değer katan diğer kurum ve kuruluşlarla işbirliği içerisinde çalışmaktadır.

Gap Construction


135 SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED PROJECTS ON 3 CONTINENTS, 6,28 BILLION USD CONTRACT VALUE, RANKING IN ENR’S “TOP CONTRACTORS LEAGUE” SINCE 2006 One of the highly reputable contracting companies of the world, Gap İnşaat was founded in 1996. Headquartered in Istanbul, Gap İnşaat’s construction sites have



Kritik altsistemleri yerli, milli ve özgün olarak tasarlayan Anova, grup şirketlerinde toplamda 350'yi aşkın yetkin personeli ile mekanik, termal, elektronik tasarım, simülasyon, yazılım geliştirme, üretim, test ve kalifikasyon süreçlerini silah sistemleri, çevresel kontrol sistemleri ve yakıt sist



As a matter of fact, Physical attractiveness and appearance, one must readily admit is associated with our self-assurance and inner strength. Thus, the more we enhance our look, the more we boost our self-esteem and self-confidence. With more than 15 years of experience, and by having an internation

Kartezya Technology founded in 2009 focusing on significantly develop the way organizations work by increasing technical effectiveness, business efficiency and cost optimization of Information Technology. We create innovative ideas, transform them into integration and provide the best quality solu

Mars Studios


At Mars Studios, we're not just marketers; we're growth hackers dedicated to skyrocketing your app's revenue. Our team brings a wealth of experience and innovation, providing tailored strategies to optimize and enhance your app's performance. What Sets Us Apart? Customized Growth Strategies: We do

LC Waikiki


LC Waikiki’s journey started in France in 1988, continuing after 1997 as a Turkish brand under the umbrella of LC Waikiki Mağazacılık Hizmetleri Ticaret A.Ş. Today LC Waikiki trades in 1000+ stores in 48 countries, with the company’s philosophy that “Everyone deserves to dress well” enabling people

Armtek Elektrik


Who Are We? Our company, which is owned by Armin Elektrik AŞ within Koloğlu Holding, started production on 01.01.2018. New, innovative, dynamic, high-tech and fast growth targets for the production of medium voltage switchgear and low voltage switchboards. Our facility has an annual production cap



ORMA A.Ş., orman ve ağaç ürünleri sektöründe üretim yapmak üzere Göl Yatırım Holding bünyesinde 1970 yılında kuruldu. Yonga levha ve melamin kaplı yonga levha üretmektedir. ORMA A.Ş., 70 bin metrekaresi kapalı olmak üzere 500 bin metrekare büyüklüğünde bir alanda biri entegre olmak üzere toplam 2.1

Fortis Energy


Fortis Energy stands out with its renewable and clean energy investments. Fortis Energy operates in Netherlands, Spain, Balkans and Türkiye. The total installed capacity of Fortis Energy's power plants, focusing on solar, wind, biogas, geothermal, and green hydrogen investments, is currently 210 MW

Bahar is a local organization delivering support across northern Syria and in Iraq. Our work is guided by international human rights and humanitarian standards and principles to ensure that international human rights and humanitarian standards are indeed respected, implemented, and enforced at the l

MDP Group


MDP Group offers SAP Process Orchestration (PI / PO), SAP CPI, SAP EWM, SAP ABAP, SAP e-Transformation and Web / Mobile solutions.

Orion Eğitim Vakfı ve Özel Piri Reis Okulları, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığınca sekiz yıllık zorunlu eğitim yasasının yürürlüğe konması sonrası başta İzmir Özel Saint-Joseph Fransız Lisesi olmak üzere tüm liselere alt yapı oluşturmak amacı ile İclâl Kardıçalı, Esat Kardıçalı, Lucien Arkas, Ahmet Tükel, Jak

Excel İletişim


1994 yılında kurulan Excel İletişim ve Algı Yönetimi, ulusal ve uluslararası pek çok kurum, marka ve kamu kurumlarından oluşan “iş ortaklarının” itibar ve algı yönetimine strateji ve iletişim desteği veriyor. Bütünsel bakış ve stratejik yaratıcılığı odağına alan Excel İletişim ve Algı Yönetimi, ola