
Explore 1,072 companies in Romania

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De 15 ani suntem alaturi de dumneavoastra, iar in tot acest timp am crescut reusind sa avem un portofoliu de peste 250.000 de clienti. Conceptul vacantei trebuie intotdeauna bine definit deoarece atunci cand sunt respectate toate caracteristicile lui acesta devine deosebit. Permiteti-ne sa va explic

La Naturlich magazin mobila online gasesti o gama variata de mobila si mobilier. Alege din sute de articole de mobila si decoratiuni la preturi avantajoase.

Constructii Bihor SA is a Romania-based company engaged in the construction industry. The Company's portfolio includes apartment buildings, banks, churches, dormitories, sport halls, supermarkets and gasoline stations. It provides such services as modernization of infrastructure, building inspection



ALTY este un magazin online care comercializează produse premium, atent selecționate pentru persoane interesate de consumul etic. Produsele noastre se adresează consumatorilor cu un stil de viață conștient care își propun să-și reducă la minim amprenta asupra mediului. Ne definește un puternic sim

Website-ul oficial al Universitatii din Oradea

Profesional Vending Store is a company based out of Romania.

Tu Copilarie


TuCopilarie.ro Magazin online dedicat copiilor. TuCopilarie.ro este importator de produse dedicate copiilor dar și producător cu o Fabrică producție textile în România! Atât depozitul cât și fabrica sunt localizate în Caracal, județul Olt și pot fi vizitate de luni până vineri în intervalul orar

Remarul 16 Februarie SA is a Romania-based company primarily involved in the railway sector. The Company is active in the manufacture, maintenance, modernization and repair of railway locomotives and rolling stock. It offers overhaul and maintenance services for diesel hydraulic and diesel electric

Betfair Romania Development is Paddy Power Betfair’s Software Development Location in Cluj-Napoca.



We are a team of dedicated professionals who understand the unique challenges faced by online businesses. We specialize in providing tailored solutions to improve customer engagement, leveraging data-driven insights and implementing actionable measures that yield the quickest and highest financial i

German Market operates an independent chain of online discount stores that specializes in selling toiletries, cosmetics, households, and cleaning items. It offers its users with a wide range of detergents, personal care, childcare, food, and active promotions. Products are delivered to its users thr

Fundatia FPIP-VIITOR - Furnizor de formare profesionala autorizat Activitati principale:cursuri autorizate(calificare, initiere, specializare si perfectionare), programe de evaluare si certificare a competentelor profesionale, cursuri on-line, training-uri, cursuri de specialitate. Centre Regi

Scoala Informala de IT brings together leading professionals with talented people driven by a desire to develop their unique IT skills.

First Bank


Banca Anului 2008 cu o activitate inceputa in anul 2000 in Romania. Credite, Carduri, Conturi Curente, Online Banking. Persoane Fizice si IMM-uri.



mitliv.ro - materiale de constructii



On the romanian market for over 21 years, the company completed a solid portfolio of suppliers and established long term relationships with it`s clients. Company`s target is the clients satisfaction. The company main activity is the import of Spare Parts & Accessories for agricultural and constr

Riviera Works


Privately held Romanian company with more than 15 years of experience in tools and electrical equipment distribution.

Founded in 2021, 2Morrow is a software consultancy company from Romania. We are a company that specializes in delivering software solutions in the mobile and web field. We can take your app or web ideas, bring them to life, and create the required infrastructure for them. We can guide you through t



Descopera incaltaminte pentru femei, barbati si copii de la Benvenuti. Alege marimea si culoarea ta preferata din cele mai noi modele de incaltaminte pentru toata familia.

Technology Company with 25 years presence on the IT market, with offices in Italy, Romania, Moldavia, Senegal, Tunisia and Turkey. We implement document management solutions for companies in Oil & Gas, Energy and Engineering, Banking and Public Sector. Planet Group International is Open Text Service

NEC Auto


NEC AutoTransport serves the unique needs of customers from a variety of industries. When you choose our company, the reliability and high quality of our services are guaranteed. Your trust is the most important part of our business, and we aim to build partnerships accordingly.

Toys and kids product distributor in Romania. Online shop at www.mirakids.ro

Comelf SA


Comelf SA is a Romania-based company mainly engaged in the production of construction and mining machinery. The Company operates through four industrial plants: the factory of filters and electrostatic precipitators (FFE), the factory of earthmoving components (FCT - TERRA), the factory of stainless



Arabesque, cel mai mare distribuitor de materiale de constructii si finisaje din Romania, inoveaza in permanenta si dezvolta activ serviciile oferite clientilor sai din sfera constructiilor. Astfel cu ajutorul unui singur contact, o persoana dedicata, se asigura controlul strict al costurilor invest

GameMatch LLC


GameMatch is a mobile game discovery platform that helps players discover great games and developers find their target audience.

Oltchim SA


Oltchim SA is a Romania-based company engaged in the chemical industry. The Company's production is organized in two divisions and four factories. The Petrochemical Division produces ethylene, propylene, ethylene oxide, monoethylene glycol and low and high density polyethylene. The Construction Mate



Magazin fizic si online de biciclete, accesorii, echipamente, si tot ce tine de acest minunat sport si mijloc de recreere.

Importator si distribuitor national de echipamente si materiale pentru instalatii termice, climatizare, ventilatie, gaz, sanitare,

Globall Design


At Globall, our vision is to create a tool for affordable and accessible digitalization of the construction supply chain, accessible to the domestic clients, as well as to the large scale building contractors, allowing for a seamless and wasteless building process.

MetalHead Merch


Magazin online de haine si accesorii rock/metal. Livrare imediata pentru produsele disponibile in stocul magazinului.

Deja Vu Natural


Deja Vu Natural is a cosmetics company located in Romania.

Firma de arhivare Stefadina ofera servicii complete de arhivare documente, fila cu fila. Servicii calitative de arhivare, depozitare, formare profesioanala..Afla detalii!

Prebet Aiud SA


Prebet Aiud SA is a Romania-based company primarily engaged in the production of prefabricated elements from reinforced and prestressed concrete. The Company divides its products into two main groups: reinforced and prestessed concrete beams, and other reinforced and prestessed concrete products. Th



TAQUERIA was founded because of our love for Mexican cuisine, especially the one we experienced in the famous taquerias on the West and East Coast of the United States. We want to share this amazing local cuisine with the Romanian people who had never been exposed to it. Here at TAQUERIA, we want ea



Fine writing instruments and office accessories. We sell brands as: Graf von Faber-Castell, Faber-Castell, Parker, Rotring, Platignum, Leuchtturm1917, Moleskine, Unika, Helveco, Filofax, Hamelin, Pigna. You can visit us in Cluj-Napoca on Universitatii 1 street.

Key Way Services


La Key Way Services furnizăm la nivel internațional servicii de suport pentru companii ce activează în domenii variate, de la tech și fintech până la medical sau property development, având două angajamente principale față de clienți: profesionalismul în relațiile de afaceri și punctualitatea în ori

Societatea Nationala de Transport Gaze Naturale Transgaz SA (Transgaz SA) is a Romania-based company engaged in the natural gas transportation. The Company's primary activities are the domestic transportation and international transit of natural gas. The Company is also responsible for the maintenan



Cerceicopii is a retail apparel and fashion firm that provides earrings for women and children via an online store



APAN este specializat in activitatea de comercializare a autovehiculelor , pieselor de schimb si accesoriilor auto. De asemenea asiguram servicii post vanzare: service auto in garantie si post garantie, diagnosticari, constatari daune, tinichigerie, vopsitorie, cosmetizare auto, tractari, inspectii

Cu o experiență de aproape 20 de ani în domeniul agriculturii și 340 de angajați în 8 centre regionale în 2014, IPSO Agricutură este numărul 1 pe piața utilajelor agricole din România. Compania este parte a grupului francez Monnoyeur, cu o rețea de bir...

Recrutare | angajare | leasing de personal

CAMPION BROKER DE ASIGURARE SI REASIGURARE este o societate specializata in activitati de intermediere si brokeraj in asigurari. CAMPION BROKER DE ASIGURARE SI REASIGURARE reprezinta o echipa profesionista, cu experienta in domeniul asigurarilor si cel al brokerajului in asigurari, orientata sa ofer

Ambient SA


Solutii complete pentru constructii, amenajari interioare si exterioare, materiale constructii, finisaje, instalatii electrice si sanitare, gradinarit, scule si utilaje

Software Imagination & Vision (SIMAVI) este compania românească de software, înființată în 2019, în urma procesului de divizare al SIVECO Romania. SIMAVI construiește proiecte IT la cheie pentru companii private și instituții publice din Europa și furnizează servicii informatice direct către organis