French Polynesia

Explore 6 companies in French Polynesia

The Manava Beach Resort & Spa Moorea, deeply inspire by the pure Polynesian style, a perfect blend of luxury and tradition. Managed by South Pacific Management.



ISI.PF is an software vendor and service company located in Tahiti, French Polynesia. The company was founded in May 2008 by two (2) young Polynesians with international experience. The company develops mobile apps on Apple iOS and Google Android platforms as well as enterprise server apps on demand

Air Tahiti Nui


Air Tahiti Nui connects the rest of the world to the island of Tahiti and offers daily flights on the Paris/Los Angeles/Tahiti line.

Situé à Pirae, le CHPF est un hôpital de dernière génération doté d’un plateau technique lourd (SAMU et accueil des urgences, 11 salles de bloc, réanimation lourde, plateau d’imagerie comprenant scanner, IRM et scintigraphie…). Il assure une offre de soins de haute technicité en chirurgie, médecine,

Air Tahiti


'Ia ora na e Maeva ! Bienvenue ! Air Tahiti is the main inter-island air carrier in French Polynesia. Our network covers 47 islands within the country, scattered over an area as vast as Europe. We also serve one international destination, Rarotonga, in the Cook Islands, Air Tahiti is the largest b

La Brasserie de Tahiti est une entreprise industrielle, spécialisée dans la production et la commercialisation de boissons. Pour répondre aux attentes et aux goûts des consommateurs polynésiens, elle propose un très large choix de produits avec une vingtaine de marques de boissons gazeuses, d’eaux,